Tuesday 27 October 2009

Drafts 3, 4 and 5 (and possibly 6) completed.

Treatment started

More info needed to be added.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Production Diaries

Diary of Project Production.

7th October 2009, Wednesday
Decided roles:-
Producer: Zoe
Director: Alastair
Editor: Kay
Sound: Jamie
Camera: Thom
Sub roles including co-director, script, lighting, continuity supervisor, storyboard, floor manager

Discussed locations and possible actors. Phone calls made to aquire a Harvey Dwaynne (name of actor?). Locations for woods made definate - "Community Park/Teddy Bear Woods". Possible for pub - "Tap and Spile", office - "CHT". Forsensic Lab - "Uni Labs". Alley Way still to be fully decided.

Production name decided: Dirty Shed Productions

2nd October 2009, Friday (before and after tutorials) Met up to look over first draft of script (Drama-Comedy Detective) All read through, evaluated and discussed modifications to be made to script. Aims for next meeting: To have second draft of script completed, location and actor ideas.

30th September 2009, Wednesday. Met up for first group meeting to discuss ideas. Following ideas though of: * Students doing stupid retarded things - Thom * Dark detective/comedian who can't laugh/ alien conspiracy - Jamie * Comedy, silent film about a stalker - Alastair * Drama-comedy about detective solving murders commited by his split personality - Zoe Aims for next meeting: First draft of script to be completed.